Life Changing!

“Without sounding too cheesy my experience so far with Tea and TayCFitness has been nothing short of life-changing. I was fortunate enough to be included in the Sexy Mama program. I was 6 months postpartum feeling horrible about the way I looked and mentally I was not in a great place. Tea's challenges, workouts and meal plans set me up for success and I slowly began to think differently about food and appreciate my body and all it has done. I then moved onto the Sexy Woman program where I really started feeling comfortable in my skin and enjoying working out as much as possible. The live workouts have been an amazing sense of community over the last 4 months. The TayCFitness fam is full of so many beautiful and hardworking women all supporting one another which really an amazing thing. I am so thankful for Tea and all the support she has provided to shape me into a happier and more confident woman for myself and my family. ”


Tea Cuk